Marc Summers, the former host of the popular children’s game show “Double Dare,” has spoken out about his experience with the recent docuseries “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.” The series, which aired on Investigation Discovery, delved into allegations of sexual abuse and a toxic environment at Nickelodeon.
Summers appeared in the first episode of the series and was initially under the impression that it would focus on the positive aspects of his time at Nickelodeon. However, he claims that he was misled about the true nature of the series and was ambushed with footage that he found shocking.
During an interview on “Elvis Duran and the Morning Show” on April 5, Summers expressed his frustration with how his involvement in the series was portrayed. He stated that he never met Dan Schneider, the former Nickelodeon executive who has been accused of workplace misconduct, or Brian Peck, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a minor in 2004.
Summers also shared that he received a phone call after filming, informing him that he would not be featured in the series, only to later learn that he was included in the first part of it. He alleges that the series directors, Mary Robertson and Emma Schwartz, were not transparent with him about his involvement.
Despite the controversy surrounding the docuseries, Summers has had a successful career in television. He hosted “Double Dare” from 1986 to 1993 and has also hosted other shows such as “Unwrapped.” He is known for his energetic and engaging hosting style and has become a beloved figure in the world of children’s television.
Bullet points:
– Marc Summers hosted “Double Dare” from 1986 to 1993
– He appeared in the first episode of “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV”
– Summers claims he was misled about the true nature of the series
– He never met Dan Schneider or Brian Peck
– Summers received a phone call saying he wouldn’t be featured, only to later learn otherwise
– He has had a successful career in television, also hosting “Unwrapped”